Pressure Vessel
Large Tubing, variable diameter, may be bent to follow a curved path with no kinks.
Cylindrical bins
Girders. Aluminum/Steel supports that can be slid together one at a time to any strength.
Piles, plastic or metal. A bundle of extrusions will hold together and slide separately.
Leaf Springs, spring boards. This is where the assembly is not locked so that individual extrusions slide.
Piles as in Pile Drivers. Further Information.
Building a foundation on soft ground ends up being a quite complicated subject. The soil can be clay, sand, gravel, rocks, and their combinations.
A simple rectangular post of slidable extrusions could be used as a pile that can be driven into the soil. The whole bundle of extrusions forming a post could be pounded together. Or single extrusions that are independently sliding could be pounded down with high PSI to reach stable ground. The bundle will keep its shape without the bundle being strapped together. PVC would be a good choice of material for use in salt water. Or stainless steel if more strength in needed.